Frequently asked questions

Why are there two different sRLY token addresses?

RLY Network Association was notified of a critical vulnerability in its Solana Canonical Swap Program. The non-upgradable nature of the Canonical Swap program and this instances irrevocable ownership of mint authority over sRLY meant the current versions of this program and the sRLY token (RLYv2ubRMDLcGG2UyvPmnPmkfuQTsMbg4Jtygc7dmnq) was deprecated. The RLY Network Association has redeployed a new canonical RLY Token on Solana and has begun migration of all supported functionality to this new token (sRLY3migNrkC1HLgqotpvi66qGkdNedqPZ9TJpAQhyh)

sRLY token address: sRLY3migNrkC1HLgqotpvi66qGkdNedqPZ9TJpAQhyh

Deprecated token: RLYv2ubRMDLcGG2UyvPmnPmkfuQTsMbg4Jtygc7dmnq

What are the differences between RLY, $RLY, RLY Network, RLY Network Ecosystem, and Rally Network Association, and Rally.io?

  • RLY and $RLY are the ticker symbols for the ERC-20 Rally Token

  • RLY Network is an open, decentralized network that is powered RLY

  • RLY Network Ecosystem consists of the following

    • RLY Network Association

    • RLY Ecosystem DAO

    • Applications built on the RLY protocol such as Rally.io and Unite.io

    • Partners such as SuperLayer

  • RLY Network Association is the team that is responsible for building and maintaining the RLY Network's core blockchain technology

  • Rally.io is an application that is built on top of the RLY protocol

What is the difference between RLY and sRLY?

RLY is an ERC20 token found on Ethereum. sRLY is a Solana native token found on the Solana blockchain.

What is RLY's Ethereum contract address?


What is sRLY's Solana token address?


Last updated